Animation A Synesthete Sees Loom: Ann LePore’s visualization of Geri Hahn’s Experience with Max Waves’ score Loom, presented at Artecitta VII, University of Granada, Spain.
In addition to presentations by neuroscientists, there were exhibitions of music and art from MaríaJosédeCórdoba, CC Hart, Gaby Gardoso, Raewyn Turner, Brian Harris, ToniFröhlich,Leonore Egbert, Marina Linares, Josefa Sala Vilar,
Carrie C Firman, Timothy B Layden, Christine Söffing, Ninghui Xiong, Dolores Montijano, Michael Haverkamp, Jasmin Rani Sinha, Katherine Justiani, Juan Garcia Villar, Sergio Pereira, Jose Hidalgo PPH, Sebastian Rosales, and Federico Barquero.